I came across this ridiculous list of 50 Insane Mistakes Companies Make and I got to thinking that I could make a similar list for senior living.
By Steve Moran
I came across this ridiculous list of 50 Insane Mistakes Companies Make and I got to thinking that I could make a similar list for senior living. I am thinking you might have some additional ideas. Feel free to post your additions in the comments or email them to me.
Assuming their team does not care
Assuming that because something worked once it will work again
Assuming that because a building fills up fast, the executive director and/or marketing director is great, when they were just lucky
Believing great senior living is all about the building
Requiring report after report after report
Giving too many second chances
Assuming that when a person has a leadership title they have leadership skills
Setting performance goals that are tied to compensation that can’t possibly be met
Assuming the competition knows what they are doing
Cutting costs to become more profitable
Treating team members as dispensable
Behaving in a way that is inconsistent with the stated mission and values of the company
Not spending enough time in the communities they manage
Not hearing what their teams are telling them
Doubling down on a bad idea
Firing people at the drop of a hat
Not firing people who need to be fired yesterday
Assuming the only people who walk through door and self-identify as immediate prospects are worth spending time with
Not providing adequate training
Not assuming that when something goes wrong it is management’s fault
Creating a new policy as a way of dealing with a single bad incident
Trying to control gossip
Promoting someone because of time of service
Providing mostly or only negative feedback
Assuming that you can pay people enough to be great employees
Assuming that because you can’t pay line staff very much they will never be great team members
Cutting costs by short staffing
Not providing real career advancement opportunities
Being nitpicky about little stuff
Not owning up when things go wrong
Not learning from mistakes
Not openly talking about failures and using them as teachable moments
Jumping to conclusions
Hiring experts to help you do a better job and then not taking their advice because it is uncomfortable
Not hiring experts
Assuming that you can do everything better in-house than using outside services
Promoting based on friendships rather than leadership competency
Promoting based on expertise and not on leadership competency
Cheaping out on paying for conference attendance
Rewarding yes instead of fresh ideas
Getting mad when challenged
Assuming they have no control
Spending too much time putting out fires
Beating up suppliers then expecting great support
Taking action before fully understanding the situation
Not taking risks
Enforcing stupid rules
Raining on Culture: Not capitalizing on employee interest and enthusiasm; thereby teaching your employees that their excitement and enjoyment of their job means nothing
Blaming people instead of the system they work in
- Thinking they are cutting edge when really nothing has changed in the last three decades!