What’s more important to your website . . . your copy or your images?

By Susan Saldibar

What’s more important to your website . . . your copy or your images?

You might be tempted to say “images” (after all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?). But well-crafted, strategically placed copy is essential to effective design. You may have this amazing collage of images, but if the words you use aren’t on point, you’re hurting your brand.

Just ask a professional copywriter like Joslyn Kite, Senior Creative Services Writer, or Emily Pick, Creative Services Writer, for G5, a Senior Housing Forum partner.

Joslyn and Emily often see website copy taking a back seat to splashy images and graphics—almost as an afterthought. And that’s a big mistake, according to them, because copy plays a much larger role in prospect decision making than many marketers realize. Especially in senior living where a more mature prospect may actually take the time to read the words you put out there—and, furthermore, may make a decision based on what those words mean to them.

What is the big deal?

Here are some reasons, they remind us, why copy (and copywriters) are so important.

  • 81% of all purchase decisions begin with an online search. “That means your copy needs to stay up-to-date with SEO best practices for web content,” says Emily. Although Google uses 200+ factors to determine website quality, the most important aspect to consider with your content is that it answers the user’s question. That means your copy needs to be relevant and convey how and why your community will benefit the individual. You need concise, well-written copy to do that.

  • Copy clarifies who you are and what you do. Clarity is key, especially within the confined spaces of a website. Try boiling down a complex thought or idea to 100 words. It’s harder to be short and concise than long and detailed. That, by the way, is where using a professional copywriter adds real value.

  • Copy can speak to your prospects in a way that informs and persuades. Joslyn asks, “Have you ever looked at an organization’s marketing message and thought ‘Who are they selling to?’ Often, in an effort to pack every fine detail into each web page, the benefits get buried inside jargon-heavy copy. It’s easy to get caught up with what you want the individual to know, rather than what he or she needs to know.”

  • Copy has the power to build your brand. “Effective marketing doesn’t start with a fine-tuned design. It starts with a clear brand message,” says Joslyn. “Carefully thought-out copy that reflects your value proposition and the competitive positioning of your senior living community will reinforce your brand.”

But copy loves company. And there is no better company for a well-written web page than a well-chosen image. In the world of senior living, that means using custom images that feature the people and activities within the community. “Images, especially in senior living, need to be authentic,” says Joslyn. “They need to support your great copywriting in a way that optimizes both and truly relates what it’s like to be part of your community.”

Professional copywriting can make an essential difference in the effectiveness of your brand strategy. Finding the right words takes experience, creativity, and a solid understanding of the organization, its brand, and its audience.

To learn more about G5’s Creative Services visit their website.

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