Over the last few years we have watched a number of organizations go through rebranding and renaming with mixed reviews.
By Steve Moran
Over the last few years we have watched a number of organizations go through rebranding and renaming with mixed reviews.
February 24, 2017, was that big day for Cornerstone Affiliates. As a reminder, Cornerstone Affiliates was the intermediate working organization for the merger of the be.group and ABHOW. Cornerstone soon to officially be “human good” will be the largest not-for-profit senior living provider on the west coast and will land someplace in the top 10 in the nation.
It will be official and operational in a couple of months.
You can watch their rollout video here:
The Name
It is a bold audacious name choice. While the response was 100% positive I can’t help but think there will be a fair amount of water cooler talk about the name in the industry. Think about it this way:
You go to a human good team member and ask . . . “Who do you work for?”
Their response . . . “Human Good.”
It is a big bold promise that if they pull it off — and I think they will — will change the industry and, at least, their part of the world forever. It becomes a personal challenge to each team member each day.
Placing Their Bets
In the process of rolling out the name John Cochrane, the CEO of “human good,” described strategy as a fancy way of asking where a company is going to place their bets. He and the board have placed all their bets on just three things:
Reimagining CCRCs
Growing their affordable housing business
Figuring out a way to provide affordable senior living for the middle 70% who on the low end don’t qualify for affordable senior living and don’t want or can’t afford the high end products that dominate today’s market.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the new name and where their are placing their bets.