Figuring out how to make your prospects feel needed will go a long way toward getting them to move in and more importantly toward making them happy after they move in.
This is not such a dumb question as you might first think.
We tend to think the opposite of being loved or cared for is being hated, but in truth, indifference is much more insidious and painful. It is the thing that made me so mad on my week #9 tour. The woman promised to talk to me, she promised me a tour, but in truth she just didn’t care about me. She wanted me gone. The worst thing in the world is to make someone feel as if they have no value. The best thing in the world is when someone is made to feel tremendously valuable. The senior living marketing question I have been wrestling with over the last couple of weeks is this: Do we in our senior living communities really make the prospect feel wanted for anything other than their bank account?
Universities Have It Figured Out
I recently read an article about what great pains colleges take, when recruiting the best and brightest students, to make those students feel wanted. Those colleges. of course, start their pitch with why their school is a great place: The academics, athletics, the school setting, extracurricular activities, a great location, beautiful buildings: each university has their own particular list of features. But those features only set the stage for the big pitch which is . . .
“We really need you here”
And no . . . it is never “we really need you here because we need your money”. It looks like this:
- We need you here because you will make our basketball team great
- We need you here because you will make our already strong academic program even stronger
- We need you here because you could help us land a noble prize
- We need you here because you could put us on the map by finding a cure for cancer
- We need you because we know you will invent the next great tech gizmo
- Did you say your grandfather was a Rockefeller?
The colleges know that every single person, every single student, has a God-given, innate need to be needed. When someone feels needed they will almost always feel great affection for the person or the organization that needs them. Ultimately most of us want to please the person who needs us.
Being Needed In Senior Living
The question is really this: In your sales process do you make the prospect and their families feel needed? The best way to make this happen is for your prospect to be introduced to other residents who will clearly receive real benefit from the prospect becoming a part of the community. Making this happen means having a deep knowledge about the passions of your existing residents and taking the time to understand what makes the prospective resident special, then making the right connections. It also requires allowing the prospect to get to know multiple staff members who can express how that prospect will make your community a better, happier place to live. It may also mean giving prospect families the opportunity to interact with the resident families. Finally, this cannot be a fake thing. It needs to be true and it needs to be founded on the idea that every single individual, no matter how frail, crotchety or difficult still has the capacity to give back. That they have something that they, better than anyone else, can contribute to your community. Don’t get me wrong, some prospects are way more difficult than others. You may have to dig really deep to find that special thing with someone who is mean spirited and critical . . . and yet I am convinced that it is there. As you are working with prospects, how do you make them feel needed? How do you foster those kinds of connections? Steve Moran
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Great article Steve. Prospects need to feel needed and comfortable when determining where they will live. But there is another player in that selection equation…it’s the family caregiver.
We know that family caregivers make upwards of 72% of all financial decisions for seniors. They also need to feel like the facility is right for mom and that her needs will be adequately covered.
Our approach at Caring in Place is designed to help senior living facilities show family caregivers that they are important, that their role is a difficult one, and that they are not forgotten. To your point, facilities are interested in more than just their loved one’s wallet.
Steve, I agree! One On One has found that our Prospects want to be accepted and validated as well. “We really need you” becomes authentic and even more powerful if the Prospect believes first that “We see and accept you”. This takes time, purposeful planning and an intention to help regardless of the result. Our Prospsect-Centered approach encourages investing the time needed to build trusting relationships and discovering life stories.We reinforce our intentions with Home Visits as well as personalized creative follow up initiatives that reflect and validate Prospect values.
Hi Josh,
Could you tell us more about your “Caring in Place” program?
And I totally agree. Everyone wants to feel needed.
Sure. Caring in Place it’s a technology platform inclusive of an iPhone app, an Android app, and a web portal designed to help family members learn how to become family caregivers. Based on the conditions of the aging loved one, we provide an intelligent to-do list that helps family members know what to do, when to do it, and how to care for their loved ones. It also allows the family member to coordinate care among other family members, friends and neighbors. We partner with senior living facilities and all content and tools are co-branded.
The concept is simple: senior care facilities are care experts and we enable these facilities to build relationships of trust with prospect families by imparting of their expertise with the families. This may extend the amount of time the aging senior will remain at home, but it also solidifies the decision of where the family will send the senior when home is no longer an option. It’s perfect for prospects that are shopping a few months or more before they are ready to commit. It’s also great for community outreach efforts. Example: “learn how to care for dementia patients and we’ll also give you the mobile tools to do it!”
Feel free to check out our website at for more information. It’s a pleasure to see how appreciative family caregivers are when someone actually thinks about them and their needs too!
Hope that helps.
Great post Steve. When my husband and I were shopping for business schools, we were highly recruited as we both ranked in the top 5 percent in the U.S. with our GMAT scores. We chose the school that made us feel special and I remember the Dean saying that the two of us would bring up their average GMAT score (which is very positive for a business school’s ranking.) Each prospective resident that we meet with has something unique they will bring to our community – what a great idea to make sure they understand that we value them and truly want more them for more than just another head on a bed.