By Susan Saldibar

So, you run a successful community with decent occupancy, good reviews, and a great bunch of folks providing care to your residents. You take your monthly reports seriously, have meetings with key team members, give regular kudos to your caregivers, and basically feel you’re doing most things right.

Then this happens … 

A couple frontline caregivers come to your ED saying they are super stressed because they are getting stretched too thin. They need more help.

But wait …

Your reports tell you that your staffing is just right. In fact, you could add another resident and keep current staff levels.

Doesn’t matter — because your team is unhappy, and residents are starting to complain.

Suddenly you went from doing okay to having a massive problem. 

You know the drill. Now you have to dig deeper, go through your reports, talk to staff, and find out what’s happening. You’ll need to triage the issues and revisit your numbers. Then, you’ll need to figure out how to deal with it.

It’s that kind of suddenly-out-of-control issue that Brett Landrum, of Procare HR (a Foresight partner), discussed with Steve Moran recently during Workforce Wednesday (watch it here).

Now, with the same community, what if it rolled out this way …

  • You have carefully calibrated a unique set of KPIs that reflect performance for your community.
  • Your nurses and caregivers are incented to log in data on each resident pertaining to things like health issues, medications, actions taken, and time spent.
  • Your HR system syncs the data to those KPIs and uses AI to put the pieces together.
  • The result is a daily scorecard that, instead of throwing around a lot of data, arranges it in a way that informs small, daily, incremental actions to take.

Here’s the game changer … 

  • Before any monthly report is issued, you see that a couple of your caregivers are logging more time with a couple of residents.
  • Before a caregiver complains, you know that the care level for these residents has escalated.
  • You now can act proactively and adjust care levels, inform families, and charge accordingly.
  • Your caregivers are happier because they are being supported.
  • Families are happier because they’ve been informed in advance that care levels have changed and there will be added charges.
  • Residents are healthier because they will get the extra support they need.
  • Caregivers know they are supported, so are less stressed and more likely to stay longer.
  • The added revenue from the care level increase allows you to hire another caregiver.
  • You have higher quality of care … and the cash to support it.

And this is only a portion of what Brett and Steve talked about. And it’s only a portion of what HR systems can do these days (or should be able to do).

Can you build these kinds of systems yourself? 

Watch the video to get Brett’s take on the pros and cons of building your own intelligent infrastructure to do this.

Better yet, if you haven’t already done so, check out Procare HR.