By Steve Moran

Coming off the 2025 NIC Spring Conference, there is much optimism about senior living that is nearly all pinned on demographic growth. In other words … 

There will be so many old baby boomers who need us — and will have no other choice but to move into senior living — that occupancy will be fine. 

But is that really the way we want to grow … what we want to be known for?  

I think we are better than that — a lot better. 


During World War II the U.S. Army figured out that chocolate was a great source of energy for soldiers. A few nibbles of chocolate could do amazing things to refresh struggling soldiers. It tasted good, provided energy, and was pretty easy to carry.

Except …

It melted, making a big mess. 

The solution: hard-coated shells of sugar, and M&M’s were born. You know the slogan they have been using for many decades …

Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.

All during WWII the only way you could get M&M’s was to be in the Army. The Mars candy company made a lot of money this way. 

Then the war was over and …

  • No soldiers
  • No demand
  • No need for chocolate that melted in your mouth and not in your hand

The Solution

They repositioned themselves. They started with a very limited release of the candy, so that instead of just pushing M&M’s out, they made finding them, consuming them, feel cool.   

Today they are still cool. Sold in more than 100 countries, they have different fillings, and you can customize them in all kinds of ways. 

What If … Senior Living 

What if senior living were something like M&M’s: cool, special, a privilege … a special kind of club. A place where, if you get to live there, you have really achieved something wonderful.  

It is possible. It has to start with us believing in our own product.