The story: He graduated nursing school at age 21. Five years later, he owns and runs an assisted living home … and has a YouTube channel with 13.4K subscribers. His advice to up-and-comers? Get on with it already!
The guest: Serg Lupescu, owner and manager, Legion Manor (Mesa, Arizona); creator, Legion Assisted Living Academy.

Your host: Rachel Hill, Senior Living Foresight

“I saw a great opportunity [in assisted living], as far as being able to help. My parents are older too. … I already had the health care experience. So I’m like, how can I utilize it? … I think a lot of people overcomplicate when they’re looking at doing something. They look too much into it or try to find their reason or their why or passion. I think if you see an opportunity, just go for it, and make the most of it.

—Serg Lupescu
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