If you are an executive director, administrator or department manager, arguably the most important part of your job is the hiring of staff. The interview process is never black and white for any industry, but hiring in senior housing is especially challenging. High turnover, a wide range of positions to fill, and grueling resident care requirements are just some of the contributing factors. Here are two steps you can take to improve your interview process:
1. Align the Interview with the Job Description
Make it easy for candidates to evaluate your organization, and make sure you’re attracting qualified candidates. It starts with the job description. Make it easy for applicants to understand the job responsibilities before they apply by involving those who understand the role best. Hiring managers and their staff should be involved in the selection of dimensions and characteristics for the role, and then apply those to the job description.
2. Be Consistent and Look for Cultural Fit
While many organizations have adopted behavioral-based interviewing methods*, it can be problematic if executed without a consistent approach. Once you find those candidates who look good on paper, using behavioral-based assessment technology is often the best way to pre-screen candidates before they move forward in the interview process. These tools provide a consistent interview guide with questions designed to find the right personality and cultural fit for the position and for your organization. “Consistency in the interview process is critical,” noted Mark Wiersma, Assessment Division Manager for HealthcareSource. “Using a structured interview process ensures that candidates will be asked job-related questions built around critical job competencies. Good questions mean good data.” From a risk management perspective, consistency and a structured interview guide is imperative.
To avoid asking “yes or no” questions and questions that lead candidates to give you the answers you want to hear, Mark Wiersma recommends using the SAO method to obtain answers that demonstrate behaviors. The interviewer should ask for a specific example of a past experience, such as, “Give me an example of when you had to deal with an overly demanding person – someone who demanded constant attention to the point where it impacted your ability to get other important work done.” Then, interviewer should take notes and listen for 3 components within the answer to the question: Situation (S): Does the applicant understand the situation or task they are being asked about? The situation or task facing the applicant Action(A): What actions did the applicant take or what actions would they take? Outcome (O): The results or changes caused by those actions The interview process should always be focused on hiring candidates who are an excellent fit for your organization – using a structured interview guide helps facilitate this.
Successful long-term care professionals employ interview strategies that are built around their unique culture, such as job descriptions that reflect the requirements of position. This helps attract new hires that will be successful in their organization. Another key to success is ensuring consistency while interviewing candidates – during each step of the process. Not only does consistency help make the process more efficient, but it also imparts a positive impression on candidates.
This is an abbreviated version of a white paper titled, ‘Improving the Interview Process: 7 Steps for Long-term Care HR,” which was published by HealthcareSource. HealthcareSource is the leading provider of talent management software for the healthcare industry. To download a complimentary copy of the entire white paper – and learn what the other steps are – please click here. *Behavioral description or behavioral consistency questions ask the candidate to describe how he or she behaved in previous relevant situations. Because past behavior can be considered the best predictor of future behavior in the same kinds of situations, these questions are particularly helpful. They are most useful when they probe for specific details about how an applicant behaved in previous situations.
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Finally: If you know anyone who is looking at emergency call systems I would appreciate the opportunity to talk with them about Vigil Health Solutions.
From LinkedIn Groups:
From my experiences, often the interviews are too subjective. Organizations need to provide their managers and other on-site hiring personnel with the tools to accurately and objectively assess candidates.
A few options include:
1. Behavioral questions
2. Job assessment tests
3. Job simulations
Truth be told, most on-site personnel don’t have the time to construct or develop these tools. Either organization should provide or task could be outsourced.
Posted by Michael Dvorscak
From LinkedIn Groups
Hi Steve,
In our long term care community our residents hire the staff. Here is a link to a recent newspaper article that ran in our local paper about our resident hiring committee.
Let me know what you think!
Reviewing your description of your community and its services, . . . is impressive to me, a LTC Admin., who has done permanent and interim work in 9+ states! Keep it up!