By Steve Moran

I recently came across a book on organizational growth that posed a powerful question — one that has lingered with me ever since:

What would your organization look like if you made every decision by asking …
“What would the world’s best leaders tell us to do?”

It’s a deceptively simple and at the same time profound question — one that can transform not only how we make decisions but the entire trajectory of our organizations. Let’s explore why.

A Game-Changing Question

As leaders, most of us rely heavily on intuition. It’s a natural part of the process, and, for the most part, it works. After all, intuition is often a byproduct of years of experience, learning, and sometimes trial by fire. We grow confident in our instincts, and more often than not, they lead to sound decisions.

But is “sound” enough?

Imagine what would happen if, instead of relying solely on instinct, we approached each decision as if the most brilliant minds in the world were guiding us. Leaders of extraordinary organizations, the kind that change industries, change the world. They go beyond intuition — they constantly push boundaries, challenging the status quo with calculated insight. What if their wisdom was your daily companion, right there at your elbow, advising you every step of the way?

Would your decisions change? Would your organization rise to an entirely new level of greatness?

The Empty Chair Exercise

Let’s take this idea a step further. What if, in every leadership meeting, you left an empty chair at the table? But it isn’t just any chair — it’s reserved for the world’s greatest leader, whoever that may be to you. Every time your team comes together to strategize, to solve problems, to innovate, you collectively pause to ask:

What would the best leader in the world do in this situation?

How would they think? What questions would they ask? How would they challenge our current approach?

This empty chair represents not just the advice of a single person but the distilled wisdom of countless visionary leaders who’ve taken their organizations from good to extraordinary.

The Results

Now, imagine the cumulative effect of making decisions this way, day in and day out. When we align our choices with the insights of the best leaders, the potential is enormous.

  • Profitability: You wouldn’t just hit your financial targets — you’d surpass them. By focusing on innovation and optimal decision-making, your margins could grow, leading to sustainable profitability.
  • Employee engagement: Your team would feel empowered, knowing that their leaders were making well-considered decisions rooted in excellence. This could lead to higher morale, increased retention, and a company culture where people love coming to work every day.
  • Customer satisfaction: Whether you’re serving residents in senior living or clients in another industry, their experience would reflect the thoughtfulness behind every decision. They’d feel valued, understood, and deeply satisfied.

Your organization wouldn’t just thrive — it would set the standard in senior living. You’d create an environment that people talk about, that others look up to, and that ultimately changes the world.

Final Thoughts: What’s Next?

This concept isn’t about mimicking other leaders or putting someone else’s voice above your own. It’s about using the wisdom of the best to sharpen your intuition, stretch your thinking, and challenge your team to do better every single day.

So, the next time you’re faced with a decision, whether big or small, ask yourself:

What would the world’s best leader tell me to do right now?

If you can answer that honestly and act on it, the impact will be profound. Because when you lead with the wisdom of the world’s best, there’s no limit to what you and your organization can achieve.