By Susan Saldibar

Have you ever had a resident who became sick “out of the blue,” only to learn later that there were a bunch of subtle clues that had gone unnoted?

Or …

One of your CNAs has been spending more time with resident Harry and not moving on with her shift. Come to find, all this time, she’s been helping Harry get dressed. (“Wait, that’s an ADL we should have been billing for!”)

It’s nobody’s fault. Small cues go unnoted. They live only in the heads of your CNAs. 

But what if they were noted?

  • How many issues could you solve more quickly?
  • How many misunderstandings could you avoid?
  • How much higher quality of care could you provide?
  • How could this make you more profitable?

Finally, technology puts it all together. 

In a recent Tech Tuesday episode, Abbie Richie spoke with Rob Lewis, CEO of Fynn (a Foresight partner) and John Thomas, CTO. Also on board was Josh Peterson, president of Galerie Living Management, a user of Fynn.

The Fynn platform has been a game-changer for Galerie Living.

Fynn is an AI-injected platform that lets you capture all the details from all your CNAs and other support staff. It lets them, using any device, enter quick observations on stuff like when they help Harry get dressed, or Sara has a lackluster response to her favorite meal, or they notice any other cue indicating a changing need or behavior.

These cues come together with other data to create information rich profiles. The system proactively alerts you to changes in a resident’s acuity and lets you:

  • Engage the family earlier to make decisions.
  • Involve physicians earlier to adjust medications or therapies.
  • Adapt care models or staffing levels to better serve residents as needs change.

And that’s exactly what Josh Peterson is doing at Galerie Living. 

His team is using Fynn to help them pivot in real time, triage, and better plan each day so that it’s more impactful for the residents.

Josh reports that using Fynn adds more transparency into the activities of a resident’s day and their gradually changing levels of acuity. And we all know how changes that seem small on their own add up to big changes downstream.

The best way to show how Fynn works is with a few examples (the names are mine):

  • Resident Sandra has become more restless than usual. CNA Peggy has seen this before. Could be a UTI is starting. Before Fynn, this kind of early cue went unnoted. But now it’s fast and easy. So Peggy grabs her phone and pops her observation into Fynn. That data builds with other inputs. Now the nurse can intervene early, before it escalates.
  • Every time CNA Laura came on shift, resident Mary would get irritable. Before Fynn, everyone thought it was Laura’s fault. But the Fynn notes from the CNA on shift before Laura told a different story. Turns out that, instead of being asked, “What do you want to do today?” Mary just wants Laura to give her the options. Quick fix. Laura’s self-esteem is restored, and Mary loves her now.
  • Ralph’s arthritis has created a need for more help with his ADLs. It started with help buttoning his shirt and continues to escalate. Before Fynn, CNA Michelle just seemed to be taking too much time with Ralph. Now she pops her observations into Fynn. Management knows they need to give Michelle more time with Ralph. And they can bill for it!

Residents are healthier, staff happier. Both stay longer. That’s not a bad NOI.

And you have to look at NOI.

Fynn plots the physical and mental health of a resident over time. Then it maps it against others to predict health outcomes over time. Think of how you could use that data to do things like:

  • Make sure residents stay in the community longer.
  • Better prepare family members to make decisions downstream, such as memory care.
  • Avoid lengthy hospital visits by anticipating potential incidents and/or accidents.
  • Identify friction points between staff and residents early and hang on to your staff.

This is what data can do now. And it’s pretty amazing. 

Now it’s on you to find out more about what the folks at Fynn are doing.

You can get more information from visiting their website,